Sunday, June 26, 2011


下次吃垃圾食物(junk food)時,要深思一下!澳洲內衣男模/健身教練為了"更了解客戶"而做出的瘋狂親身人體實驗。他不進健身房.停止任何運動.並大吃垃圾食物.用自己身體做實驗並每天量體重做記錄.看那兩週後的成果就已經夠嚇人...






暴肥之後 花了四個多月的調理.....好不容易終於接近過去的身材..


Monday, June 13, 2011

My Skin is Oily! What should I Do?


Over the years, I have met many people who say that they have very oily skin—but do they really? Most people who think that they have oily skin really have combination skin. If your skin gets oily hours after washing it or get oily only around the T-Zone area, then you don’t have severe oily skin. That doesn’t mean that you can’t learn something from this post too, though!

People with very oily skin tend to have thick, dull, and acne-prone skin. The good news, though, is that oily skin ages much slower then normal skin!

If you think that you have oily skin (severe or moderate), then you should make sure to do the following:

  • Resist the urge to wash your skin more than two or three times a day.
  • Don’t use overly harsh products on your skin that claim to control oil. They will likely just damage your skin.
  • Always, always, always use a very light moisturizer.
  • Use an oil based soap. This means that you should use a natural soap rather than a detergent (which is what most mainstream soaps really are).
  • Lastly, use warm water. The hotter the better, so long as it doesn’t feel like it’s scorching.

I am sure that many of the above steps sound odd. If you have oily skin, then why would you want to put oil on your face? If you skin is oily, then why would you need a moisturizer? The answer is simple. Your skin is oily because it produces too much oil and it isn’t balanced. You need to return your skin to a balanced state. Your skin naturally tries to stay balanced, but you need the right products to help it achieve that. If you use a product that overly dries your skin and strips it of its oils, then it will naturally start producing more oil in an attempt to restore the balance.

The goal should be to breakdown and remove excess oil, not all oil. To remove oil, you need oil. Some oils, such as those used in respectable skincare and cosmetic brands, are not harmful to your skin. They will help dissolve unwanted excess oil so that they can be washed away. Using an oil soap and hot water helps breakdown excess oil.

You also want to make sure that you use a moisturizer for the same reason. You need to restore a balance and, in a way, train your skin. By using a moisturizer after washing your skin, you are removing excess oil, cleansing, and moisturizing it, which will balance out your skin. It may take a few weeks before you see results, but you will.

People with oily skin have a tendency to “overdo it” with products. They use harsh soaps, oil-controlling serums, or overdo washing their faces. This strips the skin of necessary oils and can damage it (and cause your skin to start producing even more oil). The excess oil your skin produces, and the potential damage you might be causing, is the reason why people like you with oily skin tend to breakout. Once your skin returns to a balanced state, that should stop.

So here is what I recommend you try:

  • Find a natural, oil-based soap that won’t clog pores. It can be a mild anti-acne soap, exfoliating soap or scrub, or a clay based soap. Stay away from anything that is too harsh, though.
  • Find a very light moisturizer that absorbs quickly into the skin.
  • Carry around lotion-free tissues. You can use these during the day to pat your skin and remove excess oil without having to wash your face and strip it off too much oil.
  • When you wash your face, you should really massage the soap into your skin (for at least one minute), and then rinse off with a lot of warm/hot water. Splash your face ten to twenty times with the water to make sure that you really removed all of the soap.
  • Wash your face only twice a day for two to four weeks. You can increase it after four weeks to three times a week, if really necessary.
  • Use a clay-based mask once a week if you have acne breakouts. Then reduce this to once every other week once your notice fewer breakouts. This will help remove impurities and excess oil.

Products recommended:

  • French Green Clay and Sea Mud Clay Masks—The best all natural masks you’ll find! A little goes a very long way. Use two to three times a week, or just once in a while, to normalize your skin.
  • French Green Clay Soap—Use this soap twice a day and follow with a moisturizer and you’ll be sure to see results!
  • Tea Tree Oil Soap—Do you have oily and acne-prone skin? Then definitely try this soap.
  • Light Moisturizer—You should still moisturize daily. This moisturizer is perfect because it’s light and absorbs quickly!
  • Sweet Bay Rose Scrub—This scrub contains an essential oily blend that makes it especially good for oily skin!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ultimate Power Star (终极天王)

I was impressed with Vivian performance (fly away performing with Fish), (单声- solo) and (L

adies Night performing with Suki the local singer- I do think that Suki stood out herself more with her hairstyle and outfit compared to vivian). The main character is Vivian You should have guide her like Fish Leong did to the three finalists. You are here to help and not catching all the attention to yourself (just an opinion of mine). Nevertheless, vivian performances were sensational and therefore she was crowned as the very first Ultimate Power Star.

It will be great if I was given the opportunity to witness the singing competition live. Alas, I was watching it at home. Anyhow, i enjoyed watching at home.

I was pretty amazed by the courage of the three finalists (Amy, Kopi & Vivian). Imagine yourself waiting your turn to flaunt practically with what you planned to do to win a

udience’s heart and there is no room for mistake. You are not allow to mess up with the lyrics, dance steps, breath control, note hitting, facial and body language. Otherwise, your point will be affected. In another case, you got a low point. This could bring down your self-confident at the very moment. On the other hand, hitting up by the neon spotlight. You can hardly see the people sitting down the stage with a widely opened eyes.

The competition is on the peak when U-Kiss and Fish Leong took the stage. They have the 'wow' factor and really good at attracting people's heart. I notice that korean singers are super-hot. Their faces is so 3D (*jealous) with a V-shaped face and pointed nose. U-Kiss's song Man Man Hani is my favourite. As usual, Fish did very well in creating impact with her beautiful voice. Bravo ^^


韩国团体 U-Kiss

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Result out jor!!!

The weather is atrocious. It worsen as there is no electricity. Walao! 3 hours waiting. I sweat like hell. Back to the main topic, this morning i went to U to pay my fee for convocation. UKM is really a blood sucker. I don't understand why it cost 110 ringgit. Shouldn't it be included in the lesson fee??? everything is expensive now and we cant live without money. The more u have the better your life.

My result- Actually, i feel a bit disappointed with my result. I didn't do well n i believe i can do better then tis. I should have pay more attention on revision. I just manage to get 3.45 for this semester.

Thesis = A- . Some of my friends manage to get A. I donno why i cant. Most probably is bcs of disturbances. It is a mess during my VIVA (presentation) bcs projector suddenly went blue for few times. Even worst is my video can't play and i have to switch to my laptop to present. HATE!!! Apart of all these, the noise generated from the nearby construction is also a problem. I have to raise up my voice.

Information Retrival= B-. Is the worst grade for this semester. All the questions are from tutorials. Should have get an A for this subject but dono why my mind went blank during the exam hall. As i remember, i was the last person to leave the hall. It's an humiliation. I always be the earliest person to leave the hall but tis time......

3D Animation=A-. As i expected.
Project Management=A-. I thought i can get A but why??

Entrepreneurship=B+. As i expected. die bcs of essays Qss.....

This may be the last examination i had in my life unless i continue master in my future. Don feel like writing anymore.... see u next time......

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

MAD :(

WTH!!!!! my examination results has been detained due to payable/debt for my convo's fee. Why didnt they ask us to pay it earlier( in 2nd sem) ??? SHITTTT...somemore is so expensive 110?? How come???

Wednesday, March 2, 2011




中 医认为肌肤保养要顺应环境及身体状态变化,因此不要等到睡觉前才清洁皮肤,尽量把洁面时间提前可以减少肌肤负担,预防粉刺痘痘。洁面不妨使用能同时卸妆 和清洁的二合一洁肤乳,2分钟搞定清洁。一些含有果酸或

水杨酸的洁面乳深层清洁效果显著。尤其是水杨酸,它是目前惟一能够真正深入毛囊进行清洁动作的复合 体成分,可以增进角质细胞新陈代谢的速度,减少皮肤表面废物和毒素的堆积,让你即使晚睡,也能远离疲倦脸色。


晚 睡、熬夜和过度疲劳让肌肤锁水力变差,干燥。所以洁面后要尽快涂上保湿效果好、易吸收的美容液。最好先用化妆棉沾满美容液,直到化妆棉呈透明状态,可 以透视看到手指,然后从脸部中心开始,用使皮肤稍微下陷的力度轻轻按压肌肤。对于易干燥、易黯沉的眼部周围及嘴巴周围需进行细致涂抹;易干燥的脸颊要充分 涂抹,最后用整个手掌,轻压肌肤上残留的化妆水,使其充分渗入肌肤。


如 果你像我一样担心每天敷面膜会导致过度保养,那么可以在洁面后用保湿美容液将纸面膜浸透,敷在面部。10分钟后面膜中的水分会被肌肤吸干,接着再喷一层 化妆水,5分钟后揭下,肌肤就能变得水润柔嫩,而且即使每天做也不必担心皮肤负担过重。如果连纸面膜都没有,可以把一张面巾纸敷在脸上,向纸上喷上保湿化 妆水,直至面巾纸湿透,等1~3分钟。


即 使你没能在最佳肝脏排毒时间23:00前入睡,也完全可以在23点前涂抹具有排毒修护功能的精华晚霜,涂抹时配合简单的30秒按摩,可以促进血液循环, 提高细胞代谢活力并且排除肌肤毒素垃圾,将熬夜的伤害大大降低。偶尔需要加强保养,可以涂厚一点当作晚安面膜,一物多用。


尽 量在午夜到来之前完成精华液涂抹步骤,这能让精华液中的营养成分发挥极致。一些含有纳米渗透技术或多种植物精华的夜间修护精华液更容易渗入到肌肤深层, 加强细胞活力,并促进代谢循环。就像在肌肤里植入了看不见的细胞发动机一般,不用费时费力地按摩,营养成分也能被一个不落地全部吸收,为之后的轻霜打下完 美伏笔。





step 1:双手互搓,搓热后迅速将手掌盖在整张脸上。

step 2:感觉热度减退后,双手捂住脸由上向下按摩10次。

step 3:继续搓手,重复以上动作3~5次即可。

step 4:用十指指腹,按照"从中心到外围"、"由下向上"的顺序在脸上"弹钢琴",轻拍脸部皮肤,以眼周、鼻翼两侧、嘴角及下巴为重点。


如 果你有黑眼圈、眼袋及眼肿等问题,就千万不要错过这个方法。中医认为,眉头、眉毛中间及眉尾处的穴位,包括攒竹、承泣、丝空竹穴等,对消除浮肿和眼睛疲 劳都有显著效果。而你无须记下每个穴位的具体位置,只需在睡前涂面霜或眼霜时,顺便用食指和中指指腹从眉心向眉尾、太阳穴慢慢刮眉20次,能很快消除眼部 疲劳、消除黑眼圈,并且还能够预防次日清晨出现眼部浮肿。






● 皮肤干燥脱皮--玫瑰+檀香木+洋甘菊精油

● 缺水性出油肌肤--天竺葵+薰衣草+依兰精油

● 肤色晦暗--玫瑰+天竺葵精油

● 粉刺、青春痘:天竺葵+薄荷+尤加利+乳香精油


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Olive Oil promote hair growth????

Nixon's weather report

Pathetic facing hair loss recently. Life too stress. I am a person who easily get stress. For your information stress can lead to acnes, hair loss, diabetes and etc. Now, i am searching for cure. Is growing but slow. I think i really need to do meditation. I went to doctor today. The doctor told me to go for exercise. It helps to reduce the stress level. He prescribed me a botol of Olive. Here is what i found in the web:

A common component in cooking and skin care, olive oil is also used in a novel application for hair treatment. In addition to conditioning the scalp and enhancing hair texture, the wholesome ingredient is also believed to promote hair growth.


  1. When applied directly to the hair, olive oil is often combined with a carrier oil like jojoba oil to minimize its potency and viscosity. It is spread through the hair and massaged thoroughly into the scalp.


  1. Olive oil has inherent components that have been proven to support follicle health. In addition to having natural moisturizing properties, olive oil is also a rich source of Vitamin E. Vitamin E contains antioxidants that delay the aging process and promote circulation throughout the body, including the scalp.


  1. Massaging the scalp is a key step in the olive oil hair treatment. A properly executed scalp massage can promote hair growth by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles, decreasing stress and strengthening hair roots.


  1. No major study has conclusively linked olive oil hair treatment to promoting hair growth. But it is certain that olive oil contains elements that contribute to the overall health of hair, including growth.

Bottom Line

  1. The olive oil treatment's success at growing hair is likely attributed to the combined use of vitamin E and a scalp massage in facilitating circulation. However, the treatment may also create the illusion of new hair growth by enriching hair in both appearance and volume.